Tuesday, 11 December 2007

In the beginning...

This is my first entry into my blog so I suppose it's only right to start off with details about myself.

My name is Thadeas and I live in Hastings which is on the south coast in the UK, my age at the time of writing this is 34, I'm 5.1" tall and have brown hair with hazel eyes. I am single (divorced), I have a 9 year old daughter who is the apple of my eye and I see her about twice a week.

I would class myself as a Entrepreneur but tend to keep my business dealings within the IT field althou I am looking into other opportunities, I am also a keen Internet Poker player and so far have varying results.

I won't give everything about me away now as I wouldn't know where to start but over time this blog will help you build a bigger picture of me and my life.

Thanks for reading
